Push Widget

APNs Push Configuration

Push Notification helps you in sending event or alert to your app users even when they are not logged into app. App42 uses APNS (Apple Push Notification Service) to send Push Notification on iOS devices.

Setup Your APNs Project

To configure Push Notifications for iOS Apps/Games, the prerequisites are :

bullet An iOS Developer Program membership on iOS Dev Center

bullet An iPhone/iPad.

bullet A Server, and this is where App42 Push Service comes into the picture.

Once you have all, you need to generate AppID and SSL certificate on iOS Developer portal, .p12 file and a provisioning profile configured for push notification. This guide will walk you through all the necessary steps needed to configure your app for push notification.

1 Generating Certificate Signing Request

To manually generate the certificate, Certificate Signing Request (CSR) file is needed from your MAC that will be used to authenticate the creation of SSL certificate.

To create CSR file, please follow the steps mentioned below:

bullet Open Keychain Access(Applications->Utilities->Keychain Access)

bullet Choose the menu option “Keychain Access -> Certificate Assistant -> Request a Certificate From a Certificate Authority…” and make sure no private key is selected in the main Keychain Access window.


bullet Enter your Email Address and Common Name and check Saved to disk and click Continue to save it to your prefered location.


2 Creating App ID

To install an application on your device, you need to create an App ID and you do this on iOS Dev Center .

bullet Login and select Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles .


bullet Select Identifiers in the presented screen :


bullet Click on the + button at the upper right corner of the presented screen:


bullet Enter the name for new AppID under App ID Description.

bullet Select App ID Prefix.

bullet Select Explicit App ID option under App ID Suffix and enter the Bundle ID.


bullet Enable Push Notification for this App ID by selecting the checkbox next to Push Notifications under App Services.

bullet Select Continue and Confirm all the details are correct in the presented screen such as App ID description, Bundle Identifier and Push Notifications Checkbox and Select Submit button to finish the App ID creation.


3 Creating SSL Certificate

Now we will generate SSL certificate that is needed to make a secure connection between the App42 Push Server and APNS. This certificate will be linked to the App ID you just created so that the App42 Server will send push notifications to this particular app only.

bullet Select App IDs under Identifiers that shows list of app ids and select your newly created App ID i.e. App42PushApp.


bullet Select Edit button in the presented screen.


bullet Scroll down to Push Notifications to create SSL certificate.

bullet Select Create Certificate under Development SSL Certificate as we are creating for development environment.


bullet Next you will be guided to Add iOS Certificate screen where you will be asked to create Certificate Signing Request(CSR) that we have created already under Section-1 and hence Select Continue.


bullet Next you will be asked to upload the CSR file. Select the Choose File and browse to .certSigningRequest file and Click Open then Click Generate to generate the SSL certificate.


bullet It may take few seconds to generate the certificate. Once generated, click Download to download the certificate. I recommend to store all the generated files in the single folder as it will be easy to locate the files later.


Now you have a valid certificate for sending push notification in development environment, If you need this for Production environment, repeat the same process for the Production.

4 Creating .p12 file:

bullet Now locate the SSL certificate file that you just downloaded and double click to install it to your Keychain Access.

bullet Now Open Keychain Access -> My Certificates(Under Category section)and Right Click on the certificate you just installed and choose Export.


bullet Enter the filename and select the location to save and click Save.


bullet Enter the export Password when asked. You may be asked to enter your system account password to allow Keychain Access to export the certificate from your Keychain.

bullet Make your .p12 file compatible with APP42 server by following the below mentioned steps:

a. Keep your .cer file and .p12 file in a single folder

b. Open terminal and go to the folder that has both the files $ cd “your folder path”

c. Now execute the following commands in the terminal :

openssl x509 -in aps_development.cer -inform DER -out developer_identity.pem -outform PEM
openssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in App42PushDevKey.p12 -out App42PushDevKey.pem
openssl pkcs12 -export -inkey App42PushDevKey.pem -in developer_identity.pem -out iphone_dev.p12

Where, aps_development.cer <= SSL Certificate you downloaded from Apple in Step 3 and App42PushDevKey.p12 <= The .p12 file you just created above.

5 Generating the Provisioning Profile

Go to iOS Dev Center and select Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles . Select Provisioning Profile option from the sidebar and select + button.


Now you have to follow a 4-step Add iOS Provisioning Profile wizard

Step-1 : Select Type

Select iOS App Development under Development and then click Continue.


Step-2 : Configure

Select the App ID you created earlier in section-2 of this tutorial for me it is “App42PushApp” and click Continue.


Step-2.1 Select Certificates :

Select the certificates from the list provided to include in this provisional profile and click Continue.


Step-2.2 Select Devices :

Select the devices you wish to include in this provisioning profile and click Continue.


Step-3 : Generate

Enter a meaningful name for this provisioning profile in field Profile Name.This will be used to identify the profile in the portal. Now click Generate.


Step-4 : Download

Select Download to download the generated profile. Add the profile to Xcode by double clicking on it and You are done.


Note:- Repeat the process to generate the Ad Hoc / App Store profile, the only difference is, select the Select Type as Ad Hoc / App Store instead of Development in the Step-1.

6 Configuring your App42 Cloud API App for Push Notification

To send Push Notification using App42 Cloud API, you have to upload the iphone_dev.p12 file, that you created in step-4, to AppHQ Console.

bullet Register with App42 platform

bullet Create an app once you are on Quick-start page after registration.

bullet If you are already registered, login to AppHQ console , create an app from App Manager -> App Create link and select Unified Notification in AppHQ Menu.

bullet Select iOS in Settings as shown in the below image:


bullet Select your App Name from the drop down menu.

bullet Click on Upload File(.p12) button and browse your iphone_dev.p12 file by clicking ‘choose file’ option to upload the file.

bullet Enter password given during creation of the iphone_dev.p12 file.

bullet Select the environment from the drop down menu.

bullet Click on the submit button and it’s done here.


Repeat the same process to configure App42 Cloud API App for Push when it is ready for distribution, except selecting production environment from Environment option from the drop down menu.

Note:- Environment drop-down menu has two options development and production. You can upload two .p12 files one for each environment. But we recommend to have only one active push profile at a time.


bullet Go to Configure and Build Project