A/B Test Service

Using A/B Testing you can create different tests and their variants to take informed decisions and track conversions in your app. You can define distribution rules to test variants and can choose your best performing variant as a winner.

Import Statement
  • create User Api for Android
  • create User Api for Windows
  • create User Api for iOS
  • create User Api for Swift
  • create User Api for Java
  • create User Api for Unity
  • create User Api for JS
  • create User Api for Corona
  • create User Api for Cocos2DX
  • create User Api for .Net
  • create User Api for PHP
  • create User Api for Marmalade
  •  create User Api for Ruby
  •  create User Api for Flash
import com.shephertz.app42.paas.sdk.android.App42API;
import com.shephertz.app42.paas.sdk.android.ServiceAPI;
import com.shephertz.app42.paas.sdk.android.abtest.ABTest;
import com.shephertz.app42.paas.sdk.android.abtest.ABTestService;
import com.shephertz.app42.paas.sdk.android.App42BadParameterException;
import com.shephertz.app42.paas.sdk.android.App42NotFoundException;
using com.shephertz.app42.paas.sdk.windows;  
using com.shephertz.app42.paas.sdk.windows.abtest;  
#import "Shephertz_App42_iOS_API/Shephertz_App42_iOS_API.h"   
#import "Shephertz_App42_iOS_API/Shephertz_App42_iOS_API.h"  
import com.shephertz.app42.paas.sdk.java.App42BadParameterException;
import com.shephertz.app42.paas.sdk.java.App42NotFoundException;
import com.shephertz.app42.paas.sdk.java.App42API;
import com.shephertz.app42.paas.sdk.java.abtest.ABTest;
import com.shephertz.app42.paas.sdk.java.abtest.ABTestService;
using com.shephertz.app42.paas.sdk.csharp;  
using com.shephertz.app42.paas.sdk.csharp.abtest;  
<script type="text/javascript" src="App42-all-x.x.x.min.js">
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
using com.shephertz.app42.paas.sdk.csharp;  
using com.shephertz.app42.paas.sdk.csharp.abtest;    
include_once '../App42Response.php';
include_once '../App42Exception.php';
include_once '../App42BadParameterException.php';
include_once '../App42NotFoundException.php';
include_once '../App42Log.php';
include_once '../ABTestService.php';
Not Available
Not Available
import com.shephertz.app42.paas.sdk.as3.App42CallBack;
import com.shephertz.app42.paas.sdk.as3.App42API;
import com.shephertz.app42.paas.sdk.as3.App42Response;
import com.shephertz.app42.paas.sdk.as3.App42Exception;
import com.shephertz.app42.paas.sdk.as3.App42BadParameterException;
import com.shephertz.app42.paas.sdk.as3.App42NotFoundException;
import com.shephertz.app42.paas.sdk.as3.abtest.ABTest;
import com.shephertz.app42.paas.sdk.as3.abtest.ABTestService;
import com.shephertz.app42.paas.sdk.as3.abtest.Variant;
import com.shephertz.app42.paas.sdk.as3.util.Util;
Not Available
import com.shephertz.app42.paas.sdk.java.App42BadParameterException;
import com.shephertz.app42.paas.sdk.java.App42NotFoundException;
import com.shephertz.app42.paas.sdk.java.App42API;
import com.shephertz.app42.paas.sdk.java.abtest.ABTest;
import com.shephertz.app42.paas.sdk.java.abtest.ABTestService;

In order to use the various functions available in a specific API, the developer has to initialize with App42API by passing the apiKey and the secretKey which will become available after the app creation from AppHQ dashboard.

Required Parameters

apiKey - The Application key given when the application was created. secretKey - The secret key corresponding to the application key given when the application was created.

  • create User Api for Android
  • create User Api for Windows
  • create User Api for iOS
  • create User Api for Swift
  • create User Api for Java
  • create User Api for Unity
  • create User Api for JS
  • create User Api for Corona
  • create User Api for Cocos2DX
  • create User Api for .Net
  • create User Api for PHP
  • create User Api for Marmalade
  •  create User Api for Ruby
  •  create User Api for Flash
[App42API initializeWithAPIKey:@"APP_KEY" andSecretKey:@"SECRET_KEY"]; 
App42API.initializeWithAPIKey("API_KEY", andSecretKey:"SECRET_KEY")        
App42API::Initialize("API_KEY", "SECRET_KEY");
App42API::Initialize("API_KEY", "SECRET_KEY");
api = App42::ServiceAPI.new("API_KEY","SECRET_KEY")   
Coming Soon
Build Service

After initialization, the developer will have to call the buildXXXService method on App42API to get the instance of the particular API that they wish to build. For example, to build an instance of ABTestService, buildABTestService() method needs to be called.

  • create User Api for Android
  • create User Api for Windows
  • create User Api for iOS
  • create User Api for Swift
  • create User Api for Java
  • create User Api for Unity
  • create User Api for JS
  • create User Api for Corona
  • create User Api for Cocos2DX
  • create User Api for .Net
  • create User Api for PHP
  • create User Api for Marmalade
  •  create User Api for Ruby
  •  create User Api for Flash
ABTestService abTestService = App42API.buildABTestService();
ABTestService abTestService = App42API.BuildABTestService();
ABTestService *abTestService = [App42API buildABTestService];
let abTestService = App42API.buildABTestService as! ABTestService
ABTestService abTestService = App42API.buildABTestService();
ABTestService abTestService = App42API.BuildABTestService(); 
var abTestService = new App42ABTest();
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
ABTestService abTestService = App42API.BuildABTestService();
$abTestService = App42API::buildABTestService();
Not Available
Not Available
var abTestService:ABTestService = App42API.buildABTestService(); 
Not Available
ABTestService abTestService = App42API.buildABTestService();

Execute given test and return variant and its profile from server based on distribution rule defined in the test.

Required Parameters

testName - Name of the test which is to be executed.

  • create User Api for Android
  • create User Api for Windows
  • create User Api for iOS
  • create User Api for Swift
  • create User Api for Java
  • create User Api for Unity
  • create User Api for JS
  • create User Api for Corona
  • create User Api for Cocos2DX
  • create User Api for .Net
  • create User Api for PHP
  • create User Api for Marmalade
  •  create User Api for Ruby
  •  create User Api for Flash
String testName="<Enter the testName>"; 
ABTestService abTestService = App42API.buildABTestService();
abTestService.execute(testName, new App42CallBack() {
public void onSuccess(Object response) 
	ABTest abTest  = (ABTest)response;
	System.out.println("Test Name  is :  "+abTest.getName());
	System.out.println("Type is :" +abTest.getType());
	System.out.println("Is Active : "+abTest.isActive());
	for(int i=0;i<abTest.getVariantList().size();i++)
		System.out.println("Variant Name : "+abTest.getVariantList().get(i).getName());
		System.out.println("get profile list : "+abTest.getVariantList().get(i).getProfileJSON());	
public void onException(Exception ex) 
	System.out.println("Exception Message"+ex.getMessage());
String testName="<Enter the testName>"; 
ABTestService abTestService = App42API.BuildABTestService();
abTestService.Execute(testName, new Callback());
public class Callback : App42Callback  
	public void OnException(App42Exception exception)  
		Console.WriteLine("Exception Message" + exception);  
	public void OnSuccess(Object response)  
		ABTest abTest = (ABTest) response;  
		Console.WriteLine("Test Name  is :  " + abTest.GetName());
		Console.WriteLine("Type is :" + abTest.GetType());
		Console.WriteLine("Is Active : " + abTest.IsActive());
		for (int i = 0; i < abTest.GetVariantList().Count; i++)
			Console.WriteLine("Name  : " + abTest.GetVariantList()[i].GetName());
			Console.WriteLine("Get profile list : " + abTest.GetVariantList()[i].GetProfileJSON());
NSString *testName = @"<Enter the testName>"; 
[App42API initializeWithAPIKey:@"APP_KEY" andSecretKey:@"SECRET_KEY"]; 
ABTestService *abTestService = [App42API buildABTestService];
[abTestService execute:testName completionBlock:^(BOOL success, id responseObj, App42Exception *exception) 
	if (success)
		ABTest *abTest = (ABTest*)responseObj;
		NSLog(@"Name =%@",abTest.name);
		NSMutableArray *variantList = abTest.variantList;               
		for(Variant *variant in variantList) 
			NSLog(@"Name is = %@ " , variant.name);  
			NSLog(@"get profile list is = %@ " , variant.profile); 
		NSLog(@"Type  is %@",abTest.type);
		NSLog(@"Exception = %@",[exception reason]);
		NSLog(@"HTTP error Code = %d",[exception httpErrorCode]);
		NSLog(@"App Error Code = %d",[exception appErrorCode]);
		NSLog(@"User Info = %@",[exception userInfo]);
let testName = "<Enter the testName>" 
App42API.initializeWithAPIKey("API-KEY", andSecretKey: "SECRET_KEY")
let abTestService = App42API.buildABTestService as! ABTestService
abTestService?.execute(testName, completionBlock:{ (success, response, exception) -> Void in 
	if (success)
		let abTest = response as! ABTest
		NSLog("Name =%@",abTest.name)
		var variantList:NSMutableArray = NSMutableArray()
		variantList = abTest.variantList              
		for variant in variantList
			NSLog("Name is = %@ " , variant.name)
		NSLog("Type  is %@",abTest.type)
		NSLog("%@", exception.reason!)
        NSLog("%d", exception.appErrorCode)
        NSLog("%d", exception.httpErrorCode)
        NSLog("%@", exception.userInfo!)
String testName="<Enter the testName>"; 
ABTestService abTestService = App42API.buildABTestService();
ABTest abTest=abTestService.execute(testName);
System.out.println("Test Name  is :  "+abTest.getName());
System.out.println("Type is :" +abTest.getType());
System.out.println("Is Active : "+abTest.isActive());
for(int i=0;i<abTest.getVariantList().size();i++)
	System.out.println("Variant Name : "+abTest.getVariantList().get(i).getName());
	System.out.println("Get profile list : "+abTest.getVariantList().get(i).getProfileJSON());	
String testName="<Enter the testName>"; 
App42Log.SetDebug(true);        //Prints output in your editor console
ABTestService abTestService = App42API.BuildABTestService(); 
abTestService.Execute(testName, new UnityCallBack());
public class UnityCallBack : App42CallBack
    public void OnSuccess(object response)
       ABTest abTest = (ABTest)response;
       App42Log.Console("Test Name : " + abTest.GetName());
       for (int i=0; i < abTest.GetVariantList().Count; i++) 
			 App42Log.Console("Variant Name : " + abTest.GetVariantList()[i].GetName());
			 App42Log.Console("ProfileJSON  : " + abTest.GetVariantList()[i].GetProfileJSON());

	public void OnException(Exception e)
		App42Log.Console("Exception : " + e);
var testName = "<Enter the testName>",
var abTestService = new App42ABTest();
	success: function(object) 
		var result = JSON.parse(object);  
		abTestObj = result.app42.response.abtest;
        console.log("Test Name : " + abTestObj.name);
		console.log("Variant Name is : " + abTestObj.variant.name);
	error: function(error) 
		console.log("Exception is : " + error)
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
String testName="<Enter the testName>"; 
ABTestService abTestService = App42API.BuildABTestService();
ABTest abTest = abTestService.Execute(testName);
Console.WriteLine("Test Name  is :  " + abTest.GetName());
Console.WriteLine("Type is :" + abTest.GetType());
Console.WriteLine("Is Active : " + abTest.IsActive());
for(int i=0; i < abTest.getVariantList().Count; i++)
	Console.WriteLine("Variant Name : "+abTest.GetVariantList()[i].GetName());
	Console.WriteLine("Get profile list : "+abTest.GetVariantList()[i].GetProfileJSON());	
$testName="<Enter the testName>"; 
$abTestService = App42API::buildABTestService();
$abTest = $abTestService->execute($testName);
print_r("Test Name  is :  ".$abTest->getName());
print_r("Is Active : " .$abTest->isActive());
print_r("Type is :".$abTest->getType());
$variant = $abTest->getVariantList();
foreach ($variant as $variantList) 
	print_r("Variant Name : ".$variantList->getName());
Not Available
Not Available
var testName:String="<Enter the testName>";
var abTestService:ABTestService = App42API.buildABTestService(); 
abTestService.execute(testName,new callback());
class callback implements App42CallBack
	public function onException(exception:App42Exception):void
		trace("Exception Message " + exception);
	public function onSuccess(response:Object):void
		if(response is ABTest)
			var abtest:ABTest = ABTest(response);
			trace("Test Name  is :  "+abtest.getName());
			trace("Type is :" +abtest.getType());
			trace("Is Active : "+abtest.IsActive());
			for(var i:int=0;i<abtest.getVariantList().length;i++)
				trace("Variant Name : "+abtest.getVariantList()[i].getName());	
				var object:Object = com.adobe.serialization.json.JSON.decode(Variant(abtest.getVariantList()[i]).getProfileJSON());
				trace("get profile list : "+Util.toString(object));
Not Available
String testName="<Enter the testName>"; 
ABTest abTest=abTestService.execute(testName);
System.out.println("Test Name  is :  "+ abTest.getName());
System.out.println("Type is :" + abTest.getType());
System.out.println("Is Active : "+ abTest.isActive());
ABTestService abTestService = App42API.buildABTestService();
Vector variantList = abTest.getVariantList();
for(int i=0;i<variantList.size();i++)
	System.out.println("Name : " + ((ABTest.Variant)variantList.elementAt(i)).getName());
	System.out.println("get profile list : "+ ((ABTest.Variant)variantList.elementAt(i)).getProfileJSON());	
Goal Achieved

Goal achieved for the given test case variant.

Required Parameters

testName - Name of the test for which goal is to be achieved. variantName - Name of the variant in test for which goal is to be achieved.

  • create User Api for Android
  • create User Api for Windows
  • create User Api for iOS
  • create User Api for Swift
  • create User Api for Java
  • create User Api for Unity
  • create User Api for JS
  • create User Api for Corona
  • create User Api for Cocos2DX
  • create User Api for .Net
  • create User Api for PHP
  • create User Api for Marmalade
  •  create User Api for Ruby
  •  create User Api for Flash
String testName="<Enter the testName>";
String variantName="<Name Of the variant>";
ABTestService abTestService = App42API.buildABTestService();
abTestService.goalAchieved(testName,variantName,new App42CallBack() {
public void onSuccess(Object response)
	ABTest abTest  = (ABTest)response;
	System.out.println("Test Name  is :  "+abTest.getName());
	System.out.println("Type is :" +abTest.getType());
	System.out.println("Is Active : "+abTest.isActive());
	for(int i=0;i<abTest.getVariantList().size();i++)
		System.out.println("Variant Name : "+abTest.getVariantList().get(i).getName());
		System.out.println("get profile list : "+abTest.getVariantList().get(i).getProfileJSON());	
public void onException(Exception ex)
	System.out.println("Exception Message " + ex.getMessage());
String testName="<Enter the testName>"; 
String variantName="<Name Of the variant>";
ABTestService abTestService = App42API.BuildABTestService();
abTestService.GoalAchieved(testName, variantName, new Callback());
public class Callback : App42Callback  
	public void OnException(App42Exception exception)  
		Console.WriteLine("Exception Message" + exception.GetMessage());  
	public void OnSuccess(Object response)  
		ABTest abTest = (ABTest) response;  
		Console.WriteLine("Test Name  is :  " + abTest.GetName());
		Console.WriteLine("Type is :" + abTest.GetType());
		Console.WriteLine("Is Active : " + abTest.IsActive());
		for (int i = 0; i < abTest.GetVariantList().Count; i++)
			Console.WriteLine("Name  : " + abTest.GetVariantList()[i].GetName());
			Console.WriteLine("Get profile list : " + abTest.GetVariantList()[i].GetProfileJSON());
NSString *testName = @"<Enter the testName>";     
NSString *variant = @"<Name Of the variant>";
[App42API initializeWithAPIKey:@"APP_KEY" andSecretKey:@"SECRET_KEY"]; 
ABTestService *abTestService = [App42API buildABTestService];
[abTestService goalAchievedForTest:testName withVariant:variant completionBlock:^(BOOL success, id responseObj, App42Exception *exception) 
	if (success)
		ABTest *abTest = (ABTest*)responseObj;
		NSLog(@"Name =%@",abTest.name);
		NSMutableArray *variantList = abTest.variantList;               
		for(Variant *variant in variantList) 
			NSLog(@"Name is = %@ " , variant.name);  
			NSLog(@"get profile list is = %@ " , variant.profile); 
		NSLog(@"Type  is %@",abTest.type);
		NSLog(@"Exception = %@",[exception reason]);
		NSLog(@"HTTP error Code = %d",[exception httpErrorCode]);
		NSLog(@"App Error Code = %d",[exception appErrorCode]);
		NSLog(@"User Info = %@",[exception userInfo]);
let testName = "<Enter the testName>"  
App42API.initializeWithAPIKey("API-KEY", andSecretKey: "SECRET_KEY")
let abTestService = App42API.buildABTestService as! ABTestService
abTestService?.executeDataDriven(testName, completionBlock:{ (success, response, exception) -> Void in 
	if (success)
		let abTest = response as! ABTest
		NSLog("Name =%@",abTest.name)
		var variantList:NSMutableArray = NSMutableArray()
		variantList = abTest.variantList              
		for variant in variantList
			NSLog("Name is = %@ " , variant.name) 
		NSLog("Type  is %@",abTest.type)
		NSLog("%@", exception.reason!)
        NSLog("%d", exception.appErrorCode)
        NSLog("%d", exception.httpErrorCode)
        NSLog("%@", exception.userInfo!)
String testName="<Enter the testName>";
String variantName="<Name Of the variant>";
ABTestService abTestService = App42API.buildABTestService();
ABTest abTest=abTestService.goalAchieved(testName, variantName);
System.out.println("Test Name  is :  "+abTest.getName());
System.out.println("Type is :" +abTest.getType());
System.out.println("Is Active : "+abTest.isActive());
for(int i=0;i<abTest.getVariantList().size();i++)
	System.out.println("Variant Name : "+abTest.getVariantList().get(i).getName());
	System.out.println("Get profile list : "+abTest.getVariantList().get(i).getProfileJSON());	
String testName="<Enter the testName>"; 
String variantName="<Name Of the variant>";
App42Log.SetDebug(true);        //Prints output in your editor console
ABTestService abTestService = App42API.BuildABTestService(); 
abTestService.GoalAchieved(testName, variantName, new UnityCallBack());
public class UnityCallBack : App42CallBack
    public void OnSuccess(object response)
       ABTest abTest = (ABTest)response;
       App42Log.Console("Test Name : " + abTest.GetName());
       for (int i=0; i < abTest.GetVariantList().Count; i++) 
			 App42Log.Console("Variant Name : " + abTest.GetVariantList()[i].GetName());
			 App42Log.Console("ProfileJSON  : " + abTest.GetVariantList()[i].GetProfileJSON());

	public void OnException(Exception e)
		App42Log.Console("Exception : " + e);
var testName = "<Enter the testName>",
variantName="<Name Of the variant>",
var abTestService = new App42ABTest();
abTestService.goalAchieved(testName, variantName,{  
	success: function(object) 
		var result = JSON.parse(object);  
		abTestObj = result.app42.response.abtest;
        console.log("Test Name : " + abTestObj.name);
		console.log("Variant Name is : " + abTestObj.variant.name);
		console.log("ProfileJSON is : " + JSON.stringify(abTestObj.variant.profile));
	error: function(error) 
		console.log("Exception is : " + error)
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
String testName="<Enter the testName>"; 
String variantName="<Name Of the variant>";
ABTestService abTestService = App42API.BuildABTestService();
ABTest abTest=abTestService.GoalAchieved(testName, variantName);
Console.WriteLine("Test Name  is :  " + abTest.GetName());
Console.WriteLine("Type is :" + abTest.GetType());
Console.WriteLine("Is Active : " + abTest.IsActive());
for(int i=0; i < abTest.getVariantList().Count; i++)
	Console.WriteLine("Variant Name : "+abTest.GetVariantList()[i].GetName());
	Console.WriteLine("Get profile list : "+abTest.GetVariantList()[i].GetProfileJSON());	
$testName="<Enter the testName>"; 
$variantName="<Name Of the variant>";
$abTestService = App42API::buildABTestService();
$abTest = $abTestService->goalAchieved($testName, $variantName);
print_r("Test Name  is : ". $abTest->getName() );
print_r("Is Active : ".$abTest->isActive() );
print_r("Type is :".$abTest->getType() );
$variant = $abTest->getVariantList();
foreach ($variant as $variantList) 
	print_r("Variant Name : ".$variantList->getName() );
Not Available
Not Available
var testName:String="<Enter the testName>";
var variantName:String="<Name Of the variant>";
var abTestService:ABTestService = App42API.buildABTestService(); 
abTestService.goalAchieved(testName, variantName, new callback());
class callback implements App42CallBack
	public function onException(exception:App42Exception):void
		trace("Exception Message " + exception);
	public function onSuccess(response:Object):void
		if(response is ABTest)
			var abtest:ABTest = ABTest(response);
			trace("Test Name  is :  "+abtest.getName());
			trace("Type is :" +abtest.getType());
			trace("Is Active : "+abtest.IsActive());
			for(var i:int=0;i<abtest.getVariantList().length;i++)
				trace("Variant Name : "+abtest.getVariantList()[i].getName());	
				var object:Object = com.adobe.serialization.json.JSON.decode(Variant(abtest.getVariantList()[i]).getProfileJSON());
				trace("get profile list : "+Util.toString(object));
Not Available
String testName="<Enter the testName>"; 
String variantName="<Name Of the variant>";
ABTestService abTestService = App42API.buildABTestService();
ABTest abTest = abTestService.goalAchieved(testName, variantName);
System.out.println("Test Name  is :  "+ abTest.getName());
System.out.println("Type is :" + abTest.getType());
System.out.println("Is Active : "+ abTest.isActive());
Vector variantList = abTest.getVariantList();
for(int i=0;i<variantList.size();i++)
	System.out.println("Name " + ((ABTest.Variant)variantList.elementAt(i)).getName());
	System.out.println("Get profile list : "+ ((ABTest.Variant)variantList.elementAt(i)).getProfileJSON());	
Execute Data Driven

Execute given data driven test case and return variant profile from server.

testName - Name of the test which is to be executed.

  • create User Api for Android
  • create User Api for Windows
  • create User Api for iOS
  • create User Api for Swift
  • create User Api for Java
  • create User Api for Unity
  • create User Api for JS
  • create User Api for Corona
  • create User Api for Cocos2DX
  • create User Api for .Net
  • create User Api for PHP
  • create User Api for Marmalade
  •  create User Api for Ruby
  •  create User Api for Flash
String testName="<Enter the testName>"; 
ABTestService abTestService = App42API.buildABTestService();
abTestService.executeDataDriven(testName,new App42CallBack() {
public void onSuccess(Object response)
	ABTest abTest  = (ABTest)response;
	System.out.println("Test Name  is :  "+abTest.getName());
	System.out.println("Type is :" +abTest.getType());
	System.out.println("Is Active : "+abTest.isActive());
	for(int i=0;i<abTest.getVariantList().size();i++)
	System.out.println("Variant Name : "+abTest.getVariantList().get(i).getName());
	System.out.println("get profile list : "+abTest.getVariantList().get(i).getProfileJSON());	
public void onException(Exception ex) 
	System.out.println("Exception Message"+ex.getMessage());
String testName="<Enter the testName>"; 
ABTestService abTestService = App42API.BuildABTestService();
abTestService.ExecuteDataDriven(testName, new Callback());
public class Callback : App42Callback  
	public void OnException(App42Exception exception)  
		Console.WriteLine("Exception Message" + exception.GetMessage());  
	public void OnSuccess(Object response)  
		ABTest abTest = (ABTest) response;  
		Console.WriteLine("Test Name  is :  " + abTest.GetName());
		Console.WriteLine("Type is :" + abTest.GetType());
		Console.WriteLine("Is Active : " + abTest.IsActive());
		for (int i = 0; i < abTest.GetVariantList().Count; i++)
		Console.WriteLine("Name  : " + abTest.GetVariantList()[i].GetName());
		Console.WriteLine("Get profile list : " + abTest.GetVariantList()[i].GetProfileJSON());
NSString *testName = @"<Enter the testName>";  
[App42API initializeWithAPIKey:@"APP_KEY" andSecretKey:@"SECRET_KEY"]; 
ABTestService *abTestService = [App42API buildABTestService];
[abTestService executeDataDriven:testName completionBlock:^(BOOL success, id responseObj, App42Exception *exception) 
	if (success)
		ABTest *abTest = (ABTest*)responseObj;
		NSLog(@"Name =%@",abTest.name);
		NSMutableArray *variantList = abTest.variantList;               
		for(Variant *variant in variantList) 
			NSLog(@"Name is = %@ " , variant.name);  
			NSLog(@"get profile list is = %@ " , variant.profile); 
		NSLog(@"Type  is %@",abTest.type);
		NSLog(@"Exception = %@",[exception reason]);
		NSLog(@"HTTP error Code = %d",[exception httpErrorCode]);
		NSLog(@"App Error Code = %d",[exception appErrorCode]);
		NSLog(@"User Info = %@",[exception userInfo]);
let testName = "<Enter the testName>" 
App42API.initializeWithAPIKey("API-KEY", andSecretKey: "SECRET_KEY")
let abTestService = App42API.buildABTestService as! ABTestService
abTestService?.isActive(testName, completionBlock:{ (success, response, exception) -> Void in
    if (success)
        let isActive = response as! NSNumber
        NSLog("isActive  %@", isActive)
		NSLog("%@", exception.reason!)
        NSLog("%d", exception.appErrorCode)
        NSLog("%d", exception.httpErrorCode)
        NSLog("%@", exception.userInfo!)
String testName="<Enter the testName>"; 
ABTestService abTestService = App42API.buildABTestService();
ABTest abTest = abTestService.executeDataDriven(testName);
System.out.println("Test Name  is :  " + abTest.getName());
System.out.println("Type is :" + abTest.getType());
System.out.println("Is Active : " + abTest.isActive());
for(int i=0;i<abTest.getVariantList().size();i++)
	System.out.println("Variant Name : "+abTest.getVariantList().get(i).getName());
	System.out.println("get profile list : "+abTest.getVariantList().get(i).getProfileJSON());	
String testName="<Enter the testName>"; 
App42Log.SetDebug(true);        //Prints output in your editor console
ABTestService abTestService = App42API.BuildABTestService(); 
abTestService.ExecuteDataDriven(testName, new UnityCallBack());
public class UnityCallBack : App42CallBack
    public void OnSuccess(object response)
       ABTest abTest = (ABTest)response;
       App42Log.Console("Test Name : " + abTest.GetName());
       for (int i=0; i < abTest.GetVariantList().Count; i++) 
			 App42Log.Console("Variant Name : " + abTest.GetVariantList()[i].GetName());
			 App42Log.Console("ProfileJSON  : " + abTest.GetVariantList()[i].GetProfileJSON());

	public void OnException(Exception e)
		App42Log.Console("Exception : " + e);
var testName = "<Enter the testName>",
var abTestService = new App42ABTest();
	success: function(object) 
		var result = JSON.parse(object);  
		abTestObj = result.app42.response.abtest;
        console.log("Test Name : " + abTestObj.name);
		console.log("Variant Name is : " + abTestObj.variant.name);
		console.log("ProfileJSON is : " + JSON.stringify(abTestObj.variant.profile));
	error: function(error) 
		console.log("Exception is : " + error)
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
String testName="<Enter the testName>"; 
ABTestService abTestService = App42API.BuildABTestService();
ABTest abTest = abTestService.ExecuteDataDriven(testName);
Console.WriteLine("Test Name  is :  " + abTest.GetName());
Console.WriteLine("Type is :" + abTest.GetType());
Console.WriteLine("Is Active : " + abTest.IsActive());
for(int i=0; i < abTest.getVariantList().Count; i++)
	Console.WriteLine("Variant Name : "+abTest.GetVariantList()[i].GetName());
	Console.WriteLine("Get profile list : "+abTest.GetVariantList()[i].GetProfileJSON());	
$testName="<Enter the testName>";
$abTestService = App42API::buildABTestService();
$abTest = $abTestService->executeDataDriven($testName);
print_r("Test Name  is :  ".$abTest->getName() );
print_r("Is Active : ".$abTest->isActive() );
print_r("Type is :".$abTest->getType() );
$variant = $abTest->getVariantList();
foreach ($variant as $variantList) 
	print_r("Variant Name : ".$variantList->getName() );
Not Available
Not Available
var testName:String="<Enter the testName>";
var abTestService:ABTestService = App42API.buildABTestService(); 
abTestService.executeDataDriven(testName,new callback());
class callback implements App42CallBack
	public function onException(exception:App42Exception):void
		trace("Exception Message " + exception);
	public function onSuccess(response:Object):void
		if(response is ABTest)
			var abtest:ABTest = ABTest(response);
			trace("Test Name  is :  "+abtest.getName());
			trace("Type is :" +abtest.getType());
			trace("Is Active : "+abtest.IsActive());
			for(var i:int=0;i<abtest.getVariantList().length;i++)
				trace("Variant Name : "+abtest.getVariantList()[i].getName());	
				var object:Object = com.adobe.serialization.json.JSON.decode(Variant(abtest.getVariantList()[i]).getProfileJSON());
				trace("get profile list : "+Util.toString(object));
Not Available
String testName="<Enter the testName>"; 
ABTestService abTestService = App42API.buildABTestService();
ABTest abTest = abTestService.executeDataDriven(testName);
System.out.println("Test Name  is :  " + abTest.getName());
System.out.println("Type is :" + abTest.getType());
System.out.println("Is Active : " + abTest.isActive());
Vector variantList = abTest.getVariantList();
for(int i=0;i<variantList.size();i++){
	System.out.println("Name " + ((ABTest.Variant)variantList.elementAt(i)).getName());
	System.out.println("Get profile list : "+ ((ABTest.Variant)variantList.elementAt(i)).getProfileJSON());	
Get Profile Data

Required Parameters testName - Name of the test for which goal is to achieved. variantName - Name of the variant in test for which goal is to achieved.

  • create User Api for Android
  • create User Api for Windows
  • create User Api for iOS
  • create User Api for Swift
  • create User Api for Java
  • create User Api for Unity
  • create User Api for JS
  • create User Api for Corona
  • create User Api for Cocos2DX
  • create User Api for .Net
  • create User Api for PHP
  • create User Api for Marmalade
  •  create User Api for Ruby
  •  create User Api for Flash
String testName="<Enter the testName>";
String variantName="<Name Of the variant>";
ABTestService abTestService = App42API.buildABTestService();
abTestService.getProfileData(testName,variantName,new App42CallBack() {
public void onSuccess(Object response)
	ABTest abTest  = (ABTest)response;
	System.out.println("Test Name  is :  "+abTest.getName());
	System.out.println("Type is :" +abTest.getType());
	System.out.println("Is Active : "+abTest.isActive());
	for(int i=0;i<abTest.getVariantList().size();i++)
		System.out.println("Variant Name : "+abTest.getVariantList().get(i).getName());
		System.out.println("get profile list : "+abTest.getVariantList().get(i).getProfileJSON());	
public void onException(Exception ex)
	System.out.println("Exception Message " + ex.getMessage());
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
let testName = "<Enter the testName>"     
let variant = "<Name Of the variant>"
App42API.initializeWithAPIKey("API-KEY", andSecretKey: "SECRET_KEY")
let abTestService = App42API.buildABTestService as! ABTestService
abTestService?.goalAchievedForTest(testName, withVariant:variant, completionBlock:{ (success, response, exception) -> Void in 
	if (success)
		let abTest = response as! ABTest
		NSLog("Name =%@",abTest.name);
		var variantList:NSMutableArray = NSMutableArray()
		variantList = abTest.variantList              
		for variant in variantList
			NSLog("Name is = %@ " , variant.name)
		NSLog("Type  is %@",abTest.type)
		NSLog("%@", exception.reason!)
        NSLog("%d", exception.appErrorCode)
        NSLog("%d", exception.httpErrorCode)
        NSLog("%@", exception.userInfo!)
Coming Soon 
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon  
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon 
Coming Soon 
Exception Handling

The functions available under ABTest API can throw some exceptions in abnormal conditions. For example, if a developer is executing the testName which is not created or not in active mode, the function will throw the App42Exception (as shown below) with message as “Not Found” and the appErrorCode as “5800” and the details as “”.

  • create User Api for Android
  • create User Api for Windows
  • create User Api for iOS
  • create User Api for Swift
  • create User Api for Java
  • create User Api for Unity
  • create User Api for JS
  • create User Api for Corona
  • create User Api for Cocos2DX
  • create User Api for .Net
  • create User Api for PHP
  • create User Api for Marmalade
  •  create User Api for Ruby
  •  create User Api for Flash
String testName="<Enter the testName>"; 
ABTestService abTestService = App42API.buildABTestService();
abTestService.execute(testName, new App42CallBack() {
public void onSuccess(Object response) 
	ABTest abTest  = (ABTest)response;
	System.out.println("Test Name  is :  "+abTest.getName());
public void onException(Exception ex) 
	App42Exception exception = (App42Exception)ex;
	int appErrorCode = exception.getAppErrorCode();
	int httpErrorCode = exception.getHttpErrorCode();
	if(appErrorCode == 5800)
		// Handle here for Bad Request (Test either does not exist or it is not active.)
	else if(appErrorCode == 1401){
		// handle here for Client is not authorized
	else if(appErrorCode == 1500){
		// handle here for Internal Server Error
	String jsonText = exception.getMessage(); 	
String testName="<Enter the testName>"; 
ABTestService abTestService = App42API.BuildABTestService();
abTestService.Execute(testName, new Callback());
public class Callback : App42Callback  
	 public void OnException(App42Exception exception)  
		 int appErrorCode = exception.GetAppErrorCode();
		 int httpErrorCode = exception.GetHttpErrorCode();
		 if(appErrorCode == 5800)
				// Handle here for Bad Request (Test either does not exist or it is not active.)
			else if(appErrorCode == 1401)
				// handle here for Client is not authorized
			else if(appErrorCode == 1500)
				// handle here for Internal Server Error
		 String jsonText = exception.GetMessage(); 
	  public void OnSuccess(Object response)  
		 Console.WriteLine("Response Is : " + response);
NSString *testName = @"<Enter the testName>"; 
[App42API initializeWithAPIKey:@"APP_KEY" andSecretKey:@"SECRET_KEY"]; 
ABTestService *abTestService = [App42API buildABTestService];
[abTestService execute:testName completionBlock:^(BOOL success, id responseObj, App42Exception *exception) 
	if (success)
		ABTest *abTest = (ABTest*)responseObj;
		NSLog(@"Name =%@",abTest.name);
		NSLog(@"Type  is %@",abTest.type);
		int appErrorCode = exception.appErrorCode;
		int httpErrorCode = exception.httpErrorCode;
		if(appErrorCode == 5800)
			// Handle here for Bad Request (Test either does not exist or it is not active.)
		else if(appErrorCode == 1401)
			// handle here for Client is not authorized
		else if(appErrorCode == 1500)
			// handle here for Internal Server Error
		NSString *jsonText = exception.reason; 
Coming Soon
String testName="<Enter the testName>"; 
ABTestService abTestService = App42API.buildABTestService();
	ABTest abTest=abTestService.execute(testName);
catch(App42Exception ex)
	int appErrorCode = ex.getAppErrorCode();
	int httpErrorCode = ex.getHttpErrorCode();
	if(appErrorCode == 5800)
		// Handle here for Bad Request (Test either does not exist or it is not active.)
	else if(appErrorCode == 1401){
		// handle here for Client is not authorized
	else if(appErrorCode == 1500){
		// handle here for Internal Server Error
	String jsonText = ex.getMessage(); 	
String testName = "<Enter the testName>"; 
ABTestService abTestService = App42API.BuildABTestService(); 
uploadService.Execute(testName, new UnityCallBack());
public class UnityCallBack : App42CallBack
    public void OnException(Exception e)
		App42Exception ex = (App42Exception)e;
        int appErrorCode = ex.GetAppErrorCode();
        int httpErrorCode = ex.GetHttpErrorCode();
	if(appErrorCode == 5800)
		// Handle here for Not Found (Test either does not exist or it is not active.)
	else if(appErrorCode == 1401){
		// handle here for Client is not authorized
	else if(appErrorCode == 1500){
		// handle here for Internal Server Error
	String jsonText = ex.GetMessage(); 	
     public void OnSuccess(object response)
        App42Log.Console("Response is " + response.ToString());
var testName="<Enter the testName>",
appErrorCode ;
var abTestService = new App42ABTest();
	success: function(object) {
	error: function(error) {
		var userObj = JSON.parse(error);
		appErrorCode = userObj.app42Fault.appErrorCode;
		if(appErrorCode == 5800)
			// Handle here for Not Found (Test either does not exist or it is not active.)
		else if(appErrorCode == 1401){
			// handle here for Client is not authorized
		else if(appErrorCode == 1500){
			// handle here for Internal Server Error
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
String testName="<Enter the testName>"; 
ABTestService abTestService = App42API.BuildABTestService();
    ABTest abTest = abTestService.Execute(testName);
catch(App42Exception exception)
	int appErrorCode = exception.GetAppErrorCode();
	int httpErrorCode = exception.GetHttpErrorCode();
	if(appErrorCode == 5800)
		// Handle here for Not Found (Test either does not exist or it is not active.)
	else if(appErrorCode == 1401){
		// handle here for Client is not authorized
	else if(appErrorCode == 1500){
		// handle here for Internal Server Error
	String jsonText = exception.GetMessage(); 	
$testName="<Enter the testName>"; 
$abTestService = App42API::buildABTestService();
	 $abTest = $abTestService.execute($testName);
catch(App42Exception $ex )
	$appErrorCode = $ex->getAppErrorCode();
	$httpErrorCode = $ex->getHttpErrorCode();
	if($appErrorCode == 5800)
		// Handle here for Not Found (Test either does not exist or it is not active.)
	else if($appErrorCode == 1401)
		// handle here for Client is not authorized
	else if($appErrorCode == 1500)
		// handle here for Internal Server Error
	String $jsonText = $ex->getMessage(); 
Not Availabe
Not Availabe
var testName:String="<Enter the testName>";
var abTestService:ABTestService = App42API.buildABTestService(); 
abTestService.execute(testName,new callback()); 
class callback implements App42CallBack    
	public function onException(exception:App42Exception):void    
		var appErrorCode:int = exception.getAppErrorCode();  
		var httpErrorCode:int = exception.getHttpErrorCode();  
		if(appErrorCode == 5800)
			// Handle here for Bad Request (Test either does not exist or it is not active.)
		else if(appErrorCode == 1401)
			// handle here for Client is not authorized
		else if(appErrorCode == 1500)
			// handle here for Internal Server Error
    public function onSuccess(response:Object):void    
        var abtest:ABTest = ABTest(response);
        trace("resonse is: " + abtest) 
Not Availabe
String testName="<Enter the testName>"; 
ABTestService abTestService = App42API.buildABTestService();
ABTest abTest = abTestService.execute(testName);
catch(App42Exception exception)
	int appErrorCode = exception.getAppErrorCode();
	int httpErrorCode = exception.getHttpErrorCode();
	if(appErrorCode == 5800)
		// Handle here for Not Found (Test either does not exist or it is not active.)
	else if(appErrorCode == 1401)
		// handle here for Client is not authorized
	else if(appErrorCode == 1500)
		// handle here for Internal Server Error
	String jsonText = exception.getMessage(); 
Error Codes

Functions in Gallery API might throw exceptions with following HTTP and Application Error Codes (along with their descriptions):

1400 - BAD REQUEST - The request parameters are invalid. 1401 - UNAUTHORIZED - Client is not authorized. 1500 - INTERNAL SERVER ERROR - Internal Server Error. Please try again. 5800 - NOT FOUND - Test either does not exist or it is not active. 5801 - NOT FOUND - Variant Not defined in given test. 5802 - BAD REQUEST - Variant Division Does Not Equal to 100. 5803 - BAD REQUEST - The request parameters are invalid. Goal Achieved is not applicable for Data-driven type.

Check Active Status

Check that a given test is active or not and return the boolean value from the server.

Required Parameters

testName - Name of the test which is to check that it is active or not.

  • create User Api for Android
  • create User Api for Windows
  • create User Api for iOS
  • create User Api for Swift
  • create User Api for Java
  • create User Api for Unity
  • create User Api for JS
  • create User Api for Corona
  • create User Api for Cocos2DX
  • create User Api for .Net
  • create User Api for PHP
  • create User Api for Marmalade
  •  create User Api for Ruby
  •  create User Api for Flash
String testName="<Enter the testName>";
ABTestService abTestService = App42API.buildABTestService();
abTestService.isActive(testName, new App42CallBack() {
public void onSuccess(Object response) 
public void onException(Exception ex) 
	System.out.println("Exception Message"+ex.getMessage());
String testName="<Enter the testName>"; 
ABTestService abTestService = App42API.BuildABTestService();
abTestService.IsActive(testName, new Callback());
public class Callback : App42Callback  
	public void OnException(App42Exception exception)  
		Console.WriteLine("Exception Message" + exception.GetMessage());  
	public void OnSuccess(Object response)  
		Console.WriteLine("Response Is : " + response);
NSString *testName = @"<Enter the testName>"; 
[App42API initializeWithAPIKey:@"APP_KEY" andSecretKey:@"SECRET_KEY"]; 
ABTestService *abTestService = [App42API buildABTestService];
[abTestService isActive:testName completionBlock:^(BOOL success, id responseObj, App42Exception *exception) 
	if (success)
		BOOL isActive = (BOOL*)responseObj;
		NSLog(@"isActive  %d",isActive);
		NSLog(@"Exception = %@",[exception reason]);
		NSLog(@"HTTP error Code = %d",[exception httpErrorCode]);
		NSLog(@"App Error Code = %d",[exception appErrorCode]);
		NSLog(@"User Info = %@",[exception userInfo]);
Coming Soon
String testName="<Enter the testName>";
ABTestService abTestService = App42API.buildABTestService();
Boolean abTest= abTestService.isActive(testName);
String testName="<Enter the testName>"; 
App42Log.SetDebug(true);        //Prints output in your editor console
ABTestService abTestService = App42API.BuildABTestService(); 
abTestService.IsActive(testName, new UnityCallBack());
public class UnityCallBack : App42CallBack
    public void OnSuccess(object response)
		App42Log.Console("Response is : " + response);

	public void OnException(Exception e)
		App42Log.Console("Exception : " + e);
var testName = "<Enter the testName>",
var abTestService = new App42ABTest();
	success: function(object) 
		var result = JSON.parse(object);  
		abTestObj = result.app42.response.abtest;
        console.log("IsActive is : " + abTestObj.isActive);
	error: function(error) 
		console.log("Exception is : " + error)
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
String testName="<Enter the testName>";
ABTestService abTestService = App42API.BuildABTestService();
Boolean abTest= abTestService.IsActive(testName);
Console.WriteLine("Response Is : " + abTest);
$testName="<Enter the testName>";
$abTestService = App42API::buildABTestService();
$abTest = $abTestService->isActive($testName);
print_r("Is Active is :".$abTest->isActive());
Not Available
Not Available
var testName:String="<Enter the testName>";
var abTestService:ABTestService = App42API.buildABTestService(); 
abTestService.isActive(testName,new app42ABTestCallBack());
class callback implements App42CallBack
	public function onException(exception:App42Exception):void
		trace("Exception Message " + exception);
	public function onSuccess(response:Object):void
		if(response is ABTest)
			var abtest:ABTest = ABTest(response);
			trace("Is Active : "+abtest.IsActive());									
Coming Soon 
String testName="<Enter the testName>"; 
ABTestService abTestService = App42API.buildABTestService();
Boolean abTest= abTestService.isActive(testName);
System.out.println("Response is :  " + abTest);