Photo Gallery – Backend as a Service (BaaS and MBaaS)
Posted on Sep 14, 2012 by Siddhartha
String userName = "Nick"; String albumName = "MyAlbum"; String albumDescription = "Album Description"; App42Callback requestCallback = this; /* This function used the App42Callback interface */ ServiceAPI api = new ServiceAPI("<API_KEY>","<SECRET_KEY>"); AlbumService albumService = api.BuildAlbumService(); albumService.CreateAlbum(userName,albumName,albumDescription,requestCallback); OnSuccess(Object obj) { Album album = (Album) obj; String jsonResponse = album.ToString(); } public class CallBack : App42Callback { public override void OnSuccess(Object obj) { Album album = (Album) obj; //Do whatever you want with the object } public override void OnException(App42Exception e) { //Do whatever you want with the exception } }
String userName = "Nick"; String albumName = "MyAlbum"; String albumDescription = "Album Description"; ServiceAPI api = new ServiceAPI("<API_KEY>","<SECRET_KEY>"); AlbumService albumService = api.buildAlbumService(); Album album = albumService.createAlbum(userName,albumName,albumDescription); String jsonResponse = album.toString();
String userName = "Nick"; String albumName = "MyAlbum"; String albumDescription = "Album Description"; ServiceAPI api = new ServiceAPI("<API_KEY>","<SECRET_KEY>"); AlbumService albumService = api.buildAlbumService(); Album album = albumService.createAlbum(userName,albumName,albumDescription); String jsonResponse = album.toString();
NSString *userName = @"Nick"; NSString *albumName = @"MyAlbum"; NSString *albumDescription = @"Album Description"; serviceAPIObj.apiKey = @"<API_KEY>"; serviceAPIObj.secretKey = @"<SECRET_KEY>"; AlbumService *albumService = [serviceAPIObj buildAlbumService]; Album *album = [albumService createAlbum:userName albumName:albumName albumDescription:albumDescription]; NSString *jsonResponse = [album toString];
String userName = "Nick"; String albumName = "MyAlbum"; String albumDescription = "Album Description"; ServiceAPI api = new ServiceAPI("<API_KEY>","<SECRET_KEY>"); AlbumService albumService = api.buildAlbumService(); Album album = albumService.createAlbum(userName,albumName,albumDescription); String jsonResponse = album.toString();
String userName = "Nick"; String albumName = "MyAlbum"; String albumDescription = "Album Description"; ServiceAPI api = new ServiceAPI("<API_KEY>","<SECRET_KEY>"); AlbumService albumService = api.BuildAlbumService(); Album album = albumService.CreateAlbum(userName,albumName,albumDescription); String jsonResponse = album.ToString();
userName = "Nick"; albumName = "MyAlbum"; albumDescription = "Album Description"; api ="<API_KEY>","<SECRET_KEY>"); albumService = api.buildAlbumService(); album = albumService.create_album(userName,albumName,albumDescription); jsonResponse = album.to_s();
The request format for createAlbum is URL :{userName} Method : POST QueryParam : apiKey=<apiKey>&signature=<signature>&version=<version>×tamp=<UTC_FORMATED_TIME_STAMP> Accept : application/json Content-Type : application/json Body : {"app42": {"album": {"name": "MyAlbum","description": "Album Description"}}}
Coming Soon...
$userName = "Nick"; $albumName = "MyAlbum"; $albumDescription = "Album Description"; $api = new ServiceAPI("<API_KEY>","<SECRET_KEY>"); $albumService = $api->buildAlbumService(); $album = $albumService->createAlbum($userName,$albumName,$albumDescription); $jsonResponse = $album->toString();
String userName = "Nick"; String albumName = "MyAlbum"; String photoName = "Photo091"; String photoDescription = "Photo Details"; String path = "Local file path"; App42Callback requestCallback = this; /* This function used the App42Callback interface */ ServiceAPI api = new ServiceAPI("<API_KEY>","<SECRET_KEY>"); PhotoService photoService = api.BuildPhotoService(); photoService.AddPhoto(userName,albumName,photoName,photoDescription,path,requestCallback); OnSuccess(Object obj) { Album album = (Album) obj; String jsonResponse = album.ToString(); } public class CallBack : App42Callback { public override void OnSuccess(Object obj) { Album album = (Album) obj; //Do whatever you want with the object } public override void OnException(App42Exception e) { //Do whatever you want with the exception } }
String userName = "Nick"; String albumName = "MyAlbum"; String photoName = "Photo091"; String photoDescription = "Photo Details"; InputStream imageIS = null; /* get inputStream from your source. */ ServiceAPI api = new ServiceAPI("<API_KEY>","<SECRET_KEY>"); PhotoService photoService = api.buildPhotoService(); Album album = photoService.addPhoto(userName,albumName,photoName,photoDescription,imageIS); / String jsonResponse = album.toString();
String userName = "Nick"; String albumName = "MyAlbum"; String photoName = "Photo091"; String photoDescription = "Photo Details"; String path = "Local file path"; ServiceAPI api = new ServiceAPI("<API_KEY>","<SECRET_KEY>"); PhotoService photoService = api.buildPhotoService(); Album album = photoService.addPhoto(userName,albumName,photoName,photoDescription,path); String jsonResponse = album.toString();
NSString *userName = @"Nick"; NSString *albumName = @"MyAlbum"; NSString *photoName = @"Photo091"; NSString *photoDescription = @"Photo Details"; NSString *path = @"Local file path"; serviceAPIObj.apiKey = @"<API_KEY>"; serviceAPIObj.secretKey = @"<SECRET_KEY>"; PhotoService *photoService = [serviceAPIObj buildPhotoService]; Album *album = [photoService addPhoto:userName albumName:albumName photoName:photoName photoDescription:photoDescription path:path]; NSString *jsonResponse = [album toString];
String userName = "Nick"; String albumName = "MyAlbum"; String photoName = "Photo091"; String photoDescription = "Photo Details"; String path = "Local file path"; ServiceAPI api = new ServiceAPI("<API_KEY>","<SECRET_KEY>"); PhotoService photoService = api.buildPhotoService(); Album album = photoService.addPhoto(userName,albumName,photoName,photoDescription,path); String jsonResponse = album.toString();
String userName = "Nick"; String albumName = "MyAlbum"; String photoName = "Photo091"; String photoDescription = "Photo Details"; String path = "Local file path"; ServiceAPI api = new ServiceAPI("<API_KEY>","<SECRET_KEY>"); PhotoService photoService = api.BuildPhotoService(); Album album = photoService.AddPhoto(userName,albumName,photoName,photoDescription,path); String jsonResponse = album.ToString();
userName = "Nick"; albumName = "MyAlbum"; photoName = "Photo091"; photoDescription = "Photo Details"; path = "Local file path"; api ="<API_KEY>","<SECRET_KEY>"); photoService = api.buildPhotoService(); album = photoService.add_photo(userName,albumName,photoName,photoDescription,path); jsonResponse = album.to_s();
The request format for addPhoto is URL :{userName} Method : MULTIPART QueryParam : apiKey=<apiKey>&signature=<signature>&version=<version>×tamp=<UTC_FORMATED_TIME_STAMP> Accept : application/json Content-Type : application/json
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$userName = "Nick"; $albumName = "MyAlbum"; $photoName = "Photo091"; $photoDescription = "Photo Details"; $path = "Local file path"; $api = new ServiceAPI("<API_KEY>","<SECRET_KEY>"); $photoService = $api->buildPhotoService(); $album = $photoService->addPhoto($userName,$albumName,$photoName,$photoDescription,$path); $jsonResponse = $album->toString();
String userName = "Nick"; App42Callback requestCallback = this; /* This function used the App42Callback interface */ ServiceAPI api = new ServiceAPI("<API_KEY>","<SECRET_KEY>"); PhotoService photoService = api.BuildPhotoService(); photoService.GetPhotos(userName,requestCallback); OnSuccess(Object obj) { IListalbumList = (IList ) obj; String jsonResponse = albumList.ToString(); } public class CallBack : App42Callback { public override void OnSuccess(Object obj) { Album album = (Album) obj; //Do whatever you want with the object } public override void OnException(App42Exception e) { //Do whatever you want with the exception } }
String userName = "Nick"; ServiceAPI api = new ServiceAPI("<API_KEY>","<SECRET_KEY>"); PhotoService photoService = api.buildPhotoService(); Vector albumList = photoService.getPhotos(userName); String jsonResponse = albumList.toString(); /pre>
String userName = "Nick"; String albumName = "MyAlbum"; String photoName = "Photo091"; String photoDescription = "Photo Details"; String path = "Local file path"; ServiceAPI api = new ServiceAPI("<API_KEY>","<SECRET_KEY>"); PhotoService photoService = api.buildPhotoService(); Album album = photoService.addPhoto(userName,albumName,photoName,photoDescription,path); String jsonResponse = album.toString();
NSString *userName = @"Nick"; NSString *albumName = @"MyAlbum"; NSString *photoName = @"Photo091"; NSString *photoDescription = @"Photo Details"; NSString *path = @"Local file path"; serviceAPIObj.apiKey = @"<API_KEY>"; serviceAPIObj.secretKey = @"<SECRET_KEY>"; PhotoService *photoService = [serviceAPIObj buildPhotoService]; Album *album = [photoService addPhoto:userName albumName:albumName photoName:photoName photoDescription:photoDescription path:path]; NSString *jsonResponse = [album toString];
String userName = "Nick"; String albumName = "MyAlbum"; String photoName = "Photo091"; String photoDescription = "Photo Details"; String path = "Local file path"; ServiceAPI api = new ServiceAPI("<API_KEY>","<SECRET_KEY>"); PhotoService photoService = api.buildPhotoService(); Album album = photoService.addPhoto(userName,albumName,photoName,photoDescription,path); String jsonResponse = album.toString();
String userName = "Nick"; String albumName = "MyAlbum"; String photoName = "Photo091"; String photoDescription = "Photo Details"; String path = "Local file path"; ServiceAPI api = new ServiceAPI("<API_KEY>","<SECRET_KEY>"); PhotoService photoService = api.BuildPhotoService(); Album album = photoService.AddPhoto(userName,albumName,photoName,photoDescription,path); String jsonResponse = album.ToString();
userName = "Nick"; albumName = "MyAlbum"; photoName = "Photo091"; photoDescription = "Photo Details"; path = "Local file path"; api ="<API_KEY>","<SECRET_KEY>"); photoService = api.buildPhotoService(); album = photoService.add_photo(userName,albumName,photoName,photoDescription,path); jsonResponse = album.to_s();
The request format for addPhoto is URL :{userName} Method : MULTIPART QueryParam : apiKey=<apiKey>&signature=<signature>&version=<version>×tamp=<UTC_FORMATED_TIME_STAMP> Accept : application/json Content-Type : application/json
Coming Soon...
$userName = "Nick"; $albumName = "MyAlbum"; $photoName = "Photo091"; $photoDescription = "Photo Details"; $path = "Local file path"; $api = new ServiceAPI("<API_KEY>","<SECRET_KEY>"); $photoService = $api->buildPhotoService(); $album = $photoService->addPhoto($userName,$albumName,$photoName,$photoDescription,$path); $jsonResponse = $album->toString();